Tuesday 30 August 2011

Heres another old piece I did a while back. This one was inspired by a trip to Oslo with friends, the street lights from Copenhagen though.

Thought I would put up some older pieces of work I have done. While Im working on exciting new stuff. This piece is currently on show at Browns cafe bar in Coventry, which is by the way the best bar in Coventry, in my humble opinion anyway.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Heres one I did to illustrate a John Paul Gaultier exhibition covered in amelias magazine, heres the link to said article.  http://www.ameliasmagazine.com/fashion/montreal-museum-of-fine-arts-the-fashion-world-of-jean-paul-gaultier-from-the-sidewalk-to-the-catwalk/2011/08/23/
Its based on photos by Amelia @AmeliaGregory
Very pleased with this one, good use of a teabag!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Just had had this image published at ameliasmagazine.com, Its an illustration for a review of the First Peoples Festival at Montreal Festimania. Heres the link


Monday 15 August 2011

Friday was doodle day! & here is the product of them doodles. That's an acorn by the way, I know it looks like an egg :-)

Friday 12 August 2011